Blended Learning
In today’s world students and teachers need a flexible and effective way to learn English that utilises all the benefits of technology, and maximizes progress. Our core value is to make sure students study the right thing, more often, with better results - by providing world-class materials and a solid, easy-to-use framework for blended and flipped learning approaches.
Why use a blended approach?
A blended approach to English language learning is a method of delivery that combines live, teacher-led lessons (either in a conventional or in a virtual classroom) with digital learning.
A blended approach offers:
Efficiency – Students can improve their receptive skills, build their vocabulary and practice grammar outside of class. This allows teachers to focus more time on productive skills during class.
Accelerated learning – Preparation and practice in the digital space gives students the opportunity to focus on their weak points either before or after their live, teacher-led lesson – this in turn can help close gaps in mixed ability classes.
Personalization – Teachers can see how students are progressing with their digital learning, bring in supplemental activities, and spend more class time giving personal support.

Traditional Blended or Flipped?
Traditional blended learning models use digital content and practice to consolidate key language and learning points after class, as a homework assignment. In a flipped model students typically learn topic vocabulary, key phrases and drill grammar points in a skills context prior to class.
How we support blended learning
Reallyenglish provides ready-made material to form the backbone of a high quality blended learning English program. We have thousands of hours of content for students to access that will fit a variety of teaching aims and learning environments. Our focus with digital is to make sure students can access it anytime, anywhere for seamless study.
Our ready-made blended lessons provide:
- A logical flow and link to materials that are completed in self-study mode, and at the student’s own pace.
- Lesson structures that are pedagogically sound providing presentation, practice and production activities, and plenty of opportunity to interact.
- An alternative to a traditional coursebook, and a substantial saving on resources.
- Teacher support with clear lesson aims and how-to notes that will help save on preparation time.
What’s available
Blended lessons are available for:
Practical English Starter, Practical English 7, Business Speaking and IELTS Speaking.
The lessons are designed to cover a 50-60 minute class period, and the content is clearly linked to its digital counterpart lesson, but with a specific focus on output and speaking skills.
We can deliver these to you as stand-alone PDFs or Word documents, with audio files where applicable. Our Practical English courses are also supported with lessons in PPT
format with embedded audio for front-of-class use, or delivery in a virtual classroom.